Over the last few years business has been up, down & sideways. With some small business operators looking for a little extra in promotional opportunities.
Sunset Coast Life has over 1000 businesses listed & linked, several thousand followers along with a large data base growing monthly. These numbers are good enough for some exposure for any hyper local promotions.

Its an old call out by Morse Code or just SOS note.
A shout out to anyone who may be interested that we need to save each other sharing in the struggle to survive in a market place that is busy for some & not for others.
We are reaching out to local small businesses or individuals that can see a benefit in being involved with making offers to Sunset Coasters. This includes direct contact with listings, businesses, subscribers, followers, readers which have been gathered over the last several years.
Plus our “Welcome to Sunset Coast” letters for new home owners, residents, quarterly distribution which list the “Best of the West” services & suppliers.
Local CONTENT MARKETING for browsers to look and book anything in the palm of their hand. Locally + globally people are searching to discover all WA has to offer, so SCL is compiling 1000 Hot Spots, Shops, Stops, Services + Stuff in WA. Publishing all things Sunset Coast in WA.
WA Made & Owned – published as a platform for locals to be Listed & Linked to social media & websites.
Become a “Preferred Sunset Coast Service & Supplier”
Third Party Credit with old school publicity or content marketing is the leading way to promote anybody or anything with features, editorial, reviews, interviews for public reference. Information that is real, fact checked, reported on by a third party publication provides credibility to any business, activity, event, individual or offer, it is priceless. When someone is deciding to invest money, time, effort an immediate reference is made online to check for validation + confirmation. SCL will be another source of independent reference, plus tapping into a audience, readership, subscriber, associated fan base is much stronger than general public browsers.
Sunset Coast Life is showcasing how extraordinary the lifestyle can be in WA everyday. Perth WA is already on the radar as one of the top places to live on the planet. SCL Lists + Links the hot spots, popular places, experiences, excitement, action, lifestyle which your business will be amongst to click, find, contact.
Locals for a long time have fondly called WA’s coastline the Sunset Coast.
It’s a natural wonder of sunsets over the sea every day in WA that is so special for the way of life. Since 1991 the owners of this publication have been a small piece of history in the campaign to promote the sunset coast concept.
In the late 90’s West Coast Hwy State Route 71 was renamed Sunset Coast Drive/Boulevard from Cottesloe to Sorrento which has since expanded its route. The sunset coast concept is a valuable tourist reference to directing visitors. It has been embraced on a wider scale over the last decade essentially the Sunset Coast is state-wide with WA’s proudly promoting world’s largest coastline from south west to the north.

BEST of the WEST
Major developments are in progress up & down the coast to the city of Perth. The Sunset Coast is a center piece of WA as a world class lifestyle.
You are Invited to Join…
sunsetcoast.xyz : sunsetcoast.life
Published by a local WA marketing & management agency for Sunset Coast Promotions. Past business association includes;
XPress Magazine, Encore Productions, Show Biz Australia, Special Events Australia, Events Corp, WA Sunset Coast Magazine, Sunset Coast Special Events, WA Venues & Events, Entertainment Enterprises, Bandwagon, in association with local legends.
Traditional marketing for small business has changed with the 21st century online digital revolution which has created a multi-media juggle of domains, websites, landing pages, e-books, Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Pintrest, Snapchat, Tik Tok, Twitter, You Tube, Google+..etc
It is challenging as a small business to swing through the digital jungle.
The desk top, lap top, tablet, handset is now the business shop window. Attracting customers, get followers, provide content, present what’s on offer, credibility, influence, digital direct marketing, build a data base.
However, there are real challenges to be found in this crowded digital space. Email data bases are getting harder to get responses from after multiple exposures with a local need for connections to be made directly.
Tap into the “Sunset Coast Concept” a publication, e-zine, directory with all the best of the coast to the city “Listed & Linked” in one spot, easy to find focused on the Sunset Coast.
“Things to See & Do in WA”
An online application specifically city to the coast for WA with Lists, Links, Features, Promotions. Presenting the Sunset Coast as a World Class place to visit, stay & live. The publication is to inform, promote, generate traffic, get contacts of locals for residence or visitors. WA Made in the heart of the Sunset Coast with absolute commitment to local content.
Launched in Summer 2017 its been 3 years building an online community servicing Sunset Coast Life. With enough likeminded individuals we can really develop something special for small business in WA.
The Crew
Become a Preferred Service Provider
Join & support the local crew working on this publication weekly & monthly keeping up to date with happenings from the surf to the city, suburbs, to towns. Always looking for interesting local content.
Locals & Travelers
First priority is to have a strong connection to the local resident living, working, loving the Sunset Coast. Making sure when a service is needed, want a place to go, anything to do, it’s listed on SCL. A local network created with lists & links all about Western Australia. Also any easy reference for visitors to use SCL as guide/directory promoting by publishing sunsetcoast.xyz & sunsetcoast.life
Monthly & Seasonal
Sunset Coast Monthly / Quarterly promotions sent to several thousand subscribers on email data base.
+ New residents ‘Welcome to the Sunset Coast’ – Post Cards distributed to estate agents for mail drops.
Spring/Summer A5 Mini Mag listing all our Premium Listings & Links with our HOT 101
We support selected community, local events with features or announcements to associate SCL. Plus invite our data base to consider participation in the promotion.
Collectors of names, numbers, emails, facebook, websites, telephone, text numbers to become a large. It will be a work in progress as the promotions continue the data base will grow. A focus on gathering names, numbers, customer contacts will allow for direct marketing initiatives, promotions, feedback for better association.
Sunset Coast Services
Creating a Local online Community with Services & Suppliers will underpin the publication who are working the Sunset Coast. Each month Special Offers, Tips, Features will add value along with drive business. In today’s mobile world with everything on demand a List & Link method
will help the customers connect in a simple way either old or young.

Local – National – Global
Now with the rise of the internet which is a modern day a must have.
A man made phenomenon joining the survival list of water, oxygen, water, food, fire, electricity, phone, internet. Celebrating 25 years of the www. world wide web & inter-network we are all in communicating.
There is online competition & challenges in all forms of business with products & services now coming from outer area, 100km away, 1000km away or another country running a website or landing page. So we must protect our geographic area for customers to Buy Local & Support Local. After all local knowledge use to be power but now the internet is the influencer of the buyers decisions. New, repeat, old business clients with word of mouth was the traditional methods of small business marketing. Now the mail is electronic, the contact is with multiple competitors, central data management companies, publications, platforms, 3rd party lead generators, affiliate digital marketing services.
Out Of The Area
The internet has no boundaries, open market, outsourcing on scale, it is the man made white hole of the digital universe which can be the opportunity of a lifetime or a tough place to find a needle in a digital hay stack that is your business. Google is the absolute Go To directory of choice for the world with global in dominance. Google Ads can be done by anyone anywhere, country or world to secure the incoming local enquiry. Out of area, out of state or out of country service providers will be booked. The local guy will miss out on the business & this is happening every week, month, yearly. To be competitive it costs several thousands a year for an individual to secure business from this platform or other global digital giants.
Google has the Greatest 21st Century Cash Grab happening now.
Sunset Coast Small Businesses Unite!
An old school way to advertise small is ‘classifieds’ which has been done for over 250 years. The old local newspaper, magazine to collectively list applicable services providers & sellers with distribution direct to the residents, businesses, visitors or locals. Along with a small business A List in a network or grouped together in a nest like directory as a one stop shop publication for easy contact. Using a common local publication for listing & linking in a classified format is still effective as one of the oldest proven methods of a co-operative community.
Building a promotional platform that is locally produced & globally promoted. With contact controls for the business foundation members to benefit by capturing the clients.
Local supporters

Take Leap of Faith
Are we taking leaps of faith into places that are not of long term benefit to our local brand.?
Are we getting persuaded by outer area service providers to promote the latest digital shinning object & then paying for it later in more than money or believing in the wrong launch point for your business.
“1000 Things to See & Do in WA”
Guide to what’s happening up & down the sunset coast of WA.
We are seeking businesses to be involved with servicing the sunset coast.
$96 ….. List & Link for a year!
Yep…that’s it ! BOOK NOW
$396 ….. GET A FEATURE STORY + Listings
Pro-File Feature ~ Promo Online 12 months
*Additional listings, links, logos in categories to Double or Triple exposure!
Book Your Spot Today – Lock in Top of Your Category
DO NOT Under Estimate the Value of this Service because is a SMALL COST.
It is the beginning of a local business collaboration in online promotion.
100% WA MADE

Exclusive Promotional Packages Available
Pro Photographer shoots, Reviews, Features, Events, Special Offers,
Opportunities for Summer, Autumn, Winter & Beyond
Our Guarantee is to make sure that each Listed & Lunked business will be satisfied with our efforts to publish, present, promote online. From little things big things grow & with your participation we can build a promotional place for the Sunset Coast online for anytime.