WA is the largest state on the planet it is the size of a the worlds largest countries. Being so big the state has been separated into 9 regions outside of the Perth metropolitan area which have boarders with controls which were used with the recent COVID19 controls to stop social spread of the disease. So effective was the closing off of the regions to any public movement between areas of townships, shires WA was a world leader with disease management.
This is a feature providing links which explains the 9 regions of West Australia. Discover what really is happening in the great state of WA, looking at the big picture of how huge the west of Australia really is. Discover a the ancient country along with its 50,000 years of history from one of the longest continuous cultures the Australian Original people Aboriginal indigenous to the land. From the tropics to the north, mid west to the desert, down south to the Southern Ocean.
Every area of industry is provided with resources, farming, dairy, food, green energy, travel, tourism is just absolutely outstanding. WA is also one of the leaders in marine parks, heritage land sites, national parks, native protection for public use with education. To experience WA outside the Perth metropolitan area in the regional country side is another world. It s a world class experience of the extra ordinary.
Enjoy these features below…
Outside of Perth Metropolitan area the 9 Regions ;
KIMBERLEY : kdcwa.wa.gov.au
PILBARA : pdc.wa.gov.au/
GASGOYNE : gdc.wa.gov.au/
MIDWEST : mwdc.wa.gov.au/
GOLDFIELDS : gedc.wa.gov.au/
WHEATBELT : wheatbelt.wa.gov.au/
PEEL : peel.wa.gov.au/
SOUTH WEST : swdc.wa.gov.au/
GREAT SOUTHERN : gsdc.wa.gov.au

SUNSET COAST YT TV : sunsetcoast.xyz/category/showtime/tv/
Special state-wide features

sunsetcoast.xyz : sunsetcoast.life